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The most useful Chinese terms for settling down in Taiwan - Transportation & Shopping

Photo by Shupin Zeng on Unsplash

While it is possible to navigate daily life in Taiwan with limited or no knowledge of Chinese, learning some basic Chinese phrases and characters can greatly enhance your experience and make it easier to communicate with locals. Here are some essential phrases related to transportation and shopping to navigate your way around (Read more: The most useful Chinese terms for settling down in Taiwan - Common expressions & in restaurants):

Photo by Shupin Zeng on Unsplash


1. 公車 (gōng chē) - Bus

2. 捷運 (jié yùn) - MRT (Nearest MRT station from Olala Lin Apartments)

3. 火車站 (huǒ chē zhàn) - Train station

4. 計程車 (chū zū chē) - Taxi (English Taxi Apps: Yoxi & Uber)

5. 公車站牌 (gōng chē zhàn pái) - Bus stand

6. 車票 (chē piào) - Ticket

7. 悠遊卡 (yōu yóu kǎ) - Easy Card (Pick up easy card in airport)

8. 請問 XX 怎麼走?(qǐng wèn XX zěn me zǒu) - How do I go to XX?

9. 左轉 (zuǒ zhuǎn) - Turn left

10. 右轉 (yòu zhuǎn) - Turn right

Photo by Shupin Zeng on Unsplash


1. 超市 (chāo shì) - Supermarket

2. 商店 (shāng diàn) - Store

3. 菜市場 (cài shì chǎng) - Market

4. 百貨公司 (shì yī jiān) - Department Store

5. 收銀台 (shōu yín tái) - Cashier

6. 購物車 (gòu wù chē) - Shopping cart

7. 特價 (tè jià) - Special offer/sale

8. 現金 (xiàn jīn) - Cash

9. 信用卡 (xìn yòng kǎ) - Credit card

10. 退貨 (tuì huò) - Return/exchange

11. 美食街 (měi shí jiē) - Food court

12. 結帳 (jié zhàng) - Checkout

13. 請問有折扣嗎? (qǐng wèn yǒu zhē kòu mā) - Do you have discount?

Practicing these phrases and using them in daily interactions will greatly enhance your experience and make it easier to communicate with locals in Taiwan. Additionally, it's helpful to have translation apps or dictionaries on hand for any unfamiliar terms or situations.

Explore our vacation-&-workation-perfect apartments and on-site facilities:

Mid-term Serviced Apartments | Olala Lin Apartments Hourly Rental Meeting Room | Happ 小樹屋棕櫚

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